بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ ا ﷲِالرَّحْمَن اارَّحِيم
Assalamualaikum semua ^_^
Baca tajuk pon mcam dah blur. IIS tu apa?
IIS stands for Internet Information Service. IIS ini di datangkan sekali dalam Windows, kira pakej la. Kalau guna ASP, kena aktifkan IIS ini dahulu.
Cara-cara untuk install/aktifkan IIS dalam Windows. (Since orang guna Win 7, maka, orang tunjuk cara nak install IIS dalan Win 7 lah.). Step dia lebih kurang sama sahaja untuk version windows yang lain.
- Go to Start menu, click Control Panel.
- Click on Programs. You'll see a link for "Turn Windows features on or off" on the left sidebar.
- Click Turn Windows features on or off.
- You may receive the Windows Security warning. Click Allow to continue. The Windows Features dialog box is displayed.
- Expand Internet Information Services. Additional categories of IIS features are displayed. Select Internet Information Services to choose the default features for installation.
- Expand the additional categories displayed, and select any additional features you want to install, such as Web Management Tools.
- If you are installing IIS for evaluation purposes, you may want to select additional features to install. Select the check boxes for all IIS features you want to install, and then click OK to start installation.
- The progress indicator appears
- When the installation completes, the Windows Features dialog box closes, and the Control Panel is displayed.
- IIS is now installed with a default configuration on Windows Vista or Windows 7. To confirm that the installation succeeded, type the following URL into your browser, http://localhost.
Bagi yang kurang jelas dengan penjelasan di atas boleh rujuk link ini : http://www.iis.net/learn/install/installing-iis-7/installing-iis-on-windows-vista-and-windows-7
Ada bagi instruction guna gambar lagi. Harap membantu.
Ok, siap...Restart dan boleh di gunakan.
Kalau ada problem, kena check semula cara kita setup.
Dr Zaida ada bagi notes jika kita hadapi problem semasa setup IIS ini.
- Bukak Control Panel--> Administrative Tool-->Internet Information Services (Kalau tiada, memang x akan berfungsi dengan betul).
- Tengok sidebar sebelah kiri--> klik expand pada folder tersebut.
- Right click pada folder tempat kita simpan Access database--> click Properties.
- Aktifkan "Write"
- Click Ok dan tutup Window IIS tersebut.
- Bukak Windows Explorer-->Click Tools-->Folder Options dan aktifkkan View Tab
- Kemudian, deactivate "Use simple file sharing (Recommended)"-->Click Ok.
- Bukak c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\ folder
- Right click pada folder yang simpan database-->click Properties-->Click Advanced button
- Click "Find Now" button-->Choose "Everyone"--> Click Ok.
- Aktifkan pula "Write" option untuk "Everyone" ---> Click Ok.
Harapnya kalau ikut step yang di beri, tiada lagi masalah yang timbul. ^_^
Semoga berjaya.
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